How do I Invest in Redeye Nordic Hidden Champions?
This process involves having a Holdings account with Redeye’s partner Fondab AB. Fondab places orders to the fund owner & operator (see GRIT below). Fondab is owned by Max Matthiessen Värdepapper AB and is under the supervision of the Swedish FSA ( The Holdings account can be an ISK or a traditional Holdings account. Please note that the minimum investment for this option is 100k SEK.
invest with fondabAccount Creation
Create (following a standard KYC) or Log in to your Holdings account
When logged into your account
Choose your account
Click on the Holdings account (Depåöversikt)
Transfer cash
Transfer cash to your Holdings account
Find the fund
Redeye Hidden Champions Class B
Find the buy button
Find the ‘Köp’ button (pay special attention to the cut-off dates)
Min Investment
100k SEK